I work with women who are motivated to deepen their self reflection, exploring the inner desires of their unique hearts & souls. I remind you that you have the power to transform your own life to align more deeply with your values and move toward your intuitive visions of your future self.

Whether you are struggling to unearth the wild woman inside of you, want to tap into your inner knowing, are planning a free birth, need help navigating the medical system, are grieving a traumatic birth, loss or experience, having a hard time with the transition from maiden into mother, or you just feel drawn to me and my energy, this support is here for you, I am here for you!

 When we work together, expect that I will inspire & guide you to find & express your own voice, offering new language that helps define your becoming. I witness, hold space for & encourage you as you rebirth yourself anew, over & over again. Supporting you through conscious dialogue, somatic experiencing tools/practices, voice messaging, dance/movement, deepening of your intuitive abilities, co-creation of ceremony/ritual to move through past traumatic experiences or grief and/or to honor different aspects of life that you want to celebrate honor & move with and towards.

You are a Woman, one of the most magical creatures on the planet! Women have literally birthed the whole world over & over again & again. You are a woman, you are magic!

I invite you to Try saying:

“I am the Miracle, I am a woman, I am the magic!”

What are other women saying about working with me?


    Amana’s presence during my pregnancy, postpartum and mothering journey has helped me to be at ease. She exudes natural motherhood, without judgement of where you are in your mothering journey. Amana has experienced many of the peaks and valleys of being a mother and is able to meet you, and be with you, where you are. She is love; patient and kind.” Emily, Acupuncturist


    I trust Amana’s ritual based approach to life and admire how she weaves Love into every experience. I would recommend Amana to women from all walks of life and in all realms of the birthing process, as she has grown the capacity to hold space for all aspects of the womb journey. Amana’s gifts to the birthing world are beyond measure.” Jessie, Yoga Instructor Jma


    “Amana has been there with me through all 3 of my pregnancies & birth experiences. Her openness & kindness in sharing helped me learn & grow through each of my children’s arrivals into the world. Amana has such an incredible & divine & powerful love that you will know when you meet her. Birth work is in her soul. If you choose to work with her you will be supported in all areas of your journey.” Ashleigh, Financial Advisor

“When my first born child was but a tiny bud in my womb, I craved connection to be in community with other woman who had made the journey. I longed to meet a grounded, loving, heart-to-heart mirror in the eyes of a wise woman. Who was able to tend to the sacred space that birth requires & remind me of my strength when & if I needed it. Amana is that wonderful, tender-hearted wise woman who sat alongside me as I journeyed  from my maiden self to motherhood. Amana encompasses what it means to live the joy, beauty, strength & grief that birth inevitably transforms in us as women. I cannot imagine a higher quality human being to invite into one’s birthing sphere. Amana is a soul sister who radiates care & attention specifically attuned to the mother’s needs & desires. Thank you, I’m eternally grateful for her Sistership alongside me as I birthed my son earth-side.”

— Corrina, Sistership Client

Wild sistership support with Amana

  • One 90 minute Personalized Virtual/Video Gathering

    Voice Messaging Support for two weeks following our gathering

    Investment $333


    3: One on One Virtual/Video Gatherings 75 minutes in length (One a month for 3 months unless otherwise requested)

    1 Personalized Ceremony Gathering that is 45 minutes in length

    Voice messaging support during the three months we are working together

    Investment $888

  • 9 Intimate Personalized Virtual/Video Gatherings that are 75 minutes in length (One a month for 9 months, unless otherwise requested)

    1 Personalized Ceremony Gathering that is 45 minutes in length

    2 Personalized Self Care Sessions customized to your needs and desires (45 minutes in length)

    Voice messaging support during the 9 months we are working together

    Investment $2,222

“Transformation is not accomplished by tentative waiting at the edge.”

Robin Wall Kimmerer “Braiding Sweetgrass”

Explore The Heart of the Soul Podcast

Together we will practice how you can feel into your body, your other ways of knowing, those palpable, energetic senses, visions, inspirations, intuition. Remember how to trust yourself

For me, grief has come in waves, ebbing & flowing like the ocean, shifting & changing through the seasons of my life. Sometimes huge overwhelming waves crashing onto me unexpectedly, other times just gentle reminders and remembering of my loved ones in spirit.

Hear me Guest on Other Podcasts

Follow along on Youtube

contact me

E- mail me directly at amana@birthingnova.love