Mother Circle

Return to the ancient practice of circling together

Mother circle is an intentional coming together of women, of all ages so that we may learn together & from one another

Are you craving community & connection? Feeling alone in your experience of Mothering?

Then Mother Circle is for you! Where you will learn tools & practices that will help you ground & find your center again.

Before I became a Mother, I was a Nanny & a Birth Assistant. I had a degree in Sociology & I was an RN & Still I was surprised by birth & motherhood!

I had dreamt of it my whole life, supported other women as they became mothers & now that I was a mother myself I felt lost, disoriented & Alone.

Mother Circle was a safe harbor, a lighthouse for me when I was in the depths of becoming a mother once again to my daughter who was just a few months old when I joined my first Mother Circle.

The gentle arc of the 8 classes gave me tools that helped me to integrate my experience of matresence, to find my flow in unsteady waters. 

I am forever grateful for the mother culture we built together during those 8 weeks & for all the gems of that experience that I carry with me today.

"When women gather with an intention to hold, to listen, to co-create, and to empower, the possibilities for genuine transformation and impact on the culture are endless." - Sarah Marshank

 Mother Circle Creates Connection 

Join a circle of women & Mothers as we connect, Learn new skills & unearth our Mother worth Together

Did you know that there are 5 universal needs of Mothers post Partum?

Do you desire a better world for you & your children?

Let this be your invitation to co-create the mother culture that the whole world needs.

Is Motherhood different than you expected?

Mother Circle will help you to find your footing & Offer you tools to navigate the big challenges that we all face in motherhood

What women are Saying about Mother Circle

I am excited & delighted to be a certified Mother Circle Facilitator & offering you this arc of experiences!

You too can find support, connection, healing & meaning through Mother Circle with me  

Join me as we create change together

Let us turn towards one another

Let us Speak about that which often isn’t.

Let’s talk about birth, bodies & self worth.

Receive replays each week, in case you miss the live, or want to revisit the material

Image from Mother Circle

We Start Mother Circle Mondays on January 8th 2024 at 11 aM pst

What will we cover in this 8 week experience?

  • Week 1

    Have you ever felt like Motherhood is an underworld journey? In this class we will explore what it means to experience a rite of passage. Learn about sensation language and practice locating ourselves within our current experience.

  • Week 2

    When we take a moment to look, cycles are all around us every day we participate in and experience the cycle of 1 day/night. We will explore new ways of interacting with the cycles that we already know. How can we work with our cycles rather than move against them? Without light there would be no dark. Learn to identify and find balance in the ebbs and flows of Yin and Yang in life.

  • Week 3

    There is no such as “bouncing back” our bodies change across our entire lifetime, never returning to how it once was. Learn about the 5 universal needs of a mother postpartum. We all need them, but most of us aren’t getting them. Do you have a hard time differentiating your body, your energy from that of other people around you? Learn the boundaries of own physical form.

  • Week 4

    Curious about automatic responses of your nervous system? Do you find yourself, freezing, fawning & fitting in? We will talk about why most women identify with prey over predators. Learn about healthy aggression and the ways it can be important, especially for women including in mothering.

  • Week 5

    Each birth is a transformative experience, a journey into the unknown, a definitive before and after. Learn about the 5 channels of the nervous system in which we express. You might be very comfortable in one and not another. Together we will explore the movement channel & the magic of communicating without words.

  • Week 6

    Do you view Sensual & Sexual as the same? How are they different? Did you know that women’s full arousal takes 35-45 minutes!? For many women our sex drive & the type of sexual experiences we desire change after we have a baby. In this class we will speak about the unspoken: sexuality & explore how our own sexuality changes across time. May this be an opportunity to deepen or reconnect to your own intimacy with your body.

  • Week 7

    Where do you find your worth? In today’s modern world it is often modeled that our worth is wrapped up in our paid work in the world. This is the class where we unravel that and explore the tensions between paid work, mothering work and money. Learn how to nurture your worth.

  • Week 8

    What is MotherCode? Each of us have unique values that we live by. This is an opportunity to explore the qualities that have been passed down to you and consciously choose which ones you would like to prioritize in your life and in the lives of your children.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Yes, I was part of the inaugural Mother Circle Facilitator Training with Kimberly Ann Johnson & Jessica Connolly. You can find on the Mother Circle website as a Certified Facilitator

  • An email will be sent out within 24 hours of the circle with a link you can use to access the recording.

  • Absolutely! Mother Circle provides an introduction to basic nervous system practices.

  • Although I encourage you to set this time away from your children if possible, I absolutely invite you to have them present if you need to!

  • You do need to be a woman to join, but you do not need to be a mother. You could simply want to be in the presence of Mothers, Maybe you work with mothers or know you would like to become a Mother. If you are a sister, you are welcome here.

  • I do my best to be transparent about what is being offered & do not offer refunds. If you have a question about this offering please contact me directly.

  • Absolutely! Be sure to use their email address in the purchase. If you are purchasing for yourself at the same time you are welcome to send me an email so I can ensure they will receive the emails for the course.

  • Please complete the form provided on this page above.

When my daughter was just a few months old, Kimberly Ann Johnson was offering a round of Mother Circle & I just knew it was time for me to invest in the class. It was a transformative experience of being held within an intentional scaffolding that allowed me to integrate & heal.

I connected with women around the world,  learned practices that helped me to become more embodied. I found deeper attunement with my baby, uncovering my inner strength.

Mother Circle gave me a framework that I could use to orient to myself & the culture I am mothering within.   

Since that first Mother Circle I have attended another 3 rounds as well as deepen my learning in Kimberly’s Jaguar Courses & In person mentorship at Ghost Ranch. 

In 2023 I had the honor of taking part in the inaugural Mother Circle Facilitator training with Kimberly Ann Johnson & Jessica Connolly where I got to dive deep into behind the scenes of Mother Circle, & learn the why’s behind each thoughtful practice. At the end of the experience I received my Mother Circle Facilitator Certification. 

Explore my Podcast: The Heart of the Soul

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